Letters to Daddy, Jr. is chock full of life’s lessons without ever being preachy – in fact it’s all done with humor and bright and catchy soft rock tunes that the kids obviously relish singing especially the wonderful “Together We Can Change The World”. Oscar E. Moore (read the rest of the review here)
Well. We did it. Somehow Director Jill Jayson managed to get 19 seven through eleven year old kids and their parents AND the entire Center Stage set packed up Saturday night in half a dozen cars…
Early sunday Morning in Manhattan we found the theater, unloaded the sets and the props and the musical instruments and the sound equiptment…
Then set it all up, ran through the show for lighting cues, checked the sound… and all of a sudden it was 1:00 pm and time to start the first show.
The kids were wonderful and as always full of surprises and the kind of earnest intensity that performing live in a real theater creates.
But don’t take my word for it, check out the full review of Letters To Daddy by Oscar E. Moore!