This is an update about my “Life In Song” Index. It’s a work in progress. But it’s also about YOUR life and my life. We are ALL “works in progress.”
This is the full list in one single place of all the songs I’ve written since 1976.
Here’s the index by year: ( you can also use the “search” function on every page to find specific songs or themes)
About the Life In Song Project…
- If I featured one song a week it would take TEN years to share them all.
- If I featured one song a day it would take something like 2 years to go through them all.
- If I could humanly perform all of them in one concert it would take, let’s say, 5 minutes per song multiplied by 525 songs, 2,625 minutes or 43.75 HOURS… and of course no one would sit through that and there is no way I or anyone else could sing for 44 hours without a break… so if we divided that into 2 hour concerts it would take about 22 concerts to do it…
What I CAN do is record them and post them here. And eventually, someday perhaps, people will find them and draw sustenance from them in some way.
I’ll be the first to admit, not all of them are great. Some of them are short, some of them are long, some are filled with cliches, some are deeply poetic. Some of them are funny. Some of them are downright silly. Some of them kept me alive when I was in so much pain that expressing what I could not express elsewhere literally saved my life.
And some of them are so damn good that they still take my own breath away… And when I sing those songs, I have a growing certainty in my body that they MUST be honored.
I never wrote them for money or to please anyone else. They are my own honest expression of whatever I felt at the time. I STILL don’t write songs for money. I don’t write them for attention. I write songs because I must.
Don’t get me wrong. It would be a dream come true to actually be paid for doing this. And I’m working on that. However, this blog is my way of sharing this work that I do regardless of whether I get paid or not, regardless of whether someone else hears them. I don’t seem to have a choice in whether I write songs or not. They “come through” and I obey them.
After that, however, it takes discipline, persistence and GRIT to move them from my living room to your ears.
As a MASSIVE introvert, the personality traits that provide fertile ground for my songs to plant themselves in, do not always provide the internal conditions for delivering the songs into other peoples ears.
The journey to develop the character traits that would allow me to take that next step has often led me seemingly away from my main mission which is to honor this gift and share it with the world.
They’re just songs after all, not the cure for cancer, not the solution to global climate change not the magic pill that will cure all ill. Just songs. But in the process of my own healing and transformation I learned some powerful tools that could help YOU in YOUR process of healing and transformation too. You can find that stuff over at
I believe in my heart of hearts, that songs CAN change the world. And so I obey their command to write them down, preserve them, practice them, and yes, even sing them for living and breathing audiences of real people like you.
And that’s the next piece: to somehow move these songs out of my living room and out into the world enough so that they can do good in YOUR life.
That’s it. That’s my big mission.
And it’s supported by the fields of Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistics because after all, most of these songs are “honest hypnosis”. Songs can fire you up and keep you marching on YOUR path. Songs can change the world if we allow really good ones to get stuck in our heads. Songs can help you get through your day and help you make it through the dark night of the soul that we ALL experience at one time or another. Songs can help us celebrate the sheer joy and ecstasy of being alive, in love, on fire with ideas and yearning to be all that we can be…
As always, I want to hear from you.
Knowing that someone else is interested in this helps me to keep at it even when I don’t feel like it. Knowing that somehow my hanging in and persevering despite the 40 years of struggle to get them out and mostly failing, inspires YOU to keep at whatever YOU were born to be doing, keeps me going too. It’s a loop. If I can get between your ears with these songs and inspire YOU. It inspires me to keep going.
Thoughts? Don’t be shy. I want to hear from you. Contact Me! I respond to all comments and questions!
At the top of this page you can navigate to each of the individual year index’s which are in various states of completion. You can also use the search feature at the bottom of every page to track down songs you might want to check out by subject.