Ahhh the first heart-break of college... I love this song. It's a blast to play. I love the harmonics and the rich visuals that almost FORTY years after writing it still cause an emotional reaction and visceral experience... Falling in love and it not working out is just about the MOST universal …
142 Feather On The Wind
This song is quite literally the song version of a conversation I had with a family friend. We were camping up on Cape Cod in late September and a nor'easter blew through... We'd been huddled in our tents for a long while and then the storm suddenly let up. Our friend wanted to go for a walk and I …
135 Rise And Fall
This song was inspired by events in Tiananmen Square in 1989. The line "One lone tree guards the hope of the world" was partly inspired by the lone man who stood up to a line of tanks. I'll let the song speak for itself. Rise and Fall (Song #135) by Mark Shepard For a reminder of those …