Commentary: song Inspired by a conversation with Playwright Jill Jaysen & Dr. Jennifer Wider, M.D., women's health expert, about the pressure on girls to conform to media stereotypes. Scroll Down For Lyrics Please rate, tweet, facebook, stumble, embed, e-mail, share.... . Want to …
Commentary: this song was inspired by award winning playwright Jill Jaysen who insisted I watch a video on YouTube called the "Dove Campaign for Real Beauty". So I did. This song will hopefully make it's way into one of Jill Jaysen's awesome plays...Obviously it should be sung by a young woman. …
I See The Blue Breaking Through
Commentary: Yet another Jill Jaysen inspiration. We had just done this marathon 10 days of rehearsing the "Letters To Daddy" play with 19 elementary age actors all day during the Saturday performance in Westport CT it poured rain. That night we had to break down the whole set and stuff it into a …