Not sure quite how it happened but a woman named Fran Capo showed up in my life one day. She is the Guinness book of records holder for "Fastest Talking Women". If you ever hear a woman on TV or radio who reads the stuff at the end of the ad REALLY, REALLY quickly, it is most likely Fran. She is a …
400 If I Could Fly
400 If I Could Fly (PFOT CD) by Mark Shepard About This Song: (Lyrics Below) From "Purest Form Of Trance" CD 2008-9 had been a really rough patch for me…financially, emotionally. I'd had my best year ever up until the CRASH in October or 2008. And then I found myself basically homeless and …
393 Little Miss Cranky Pants
We ALL know this person. There was no actual individual who inspired this song, I had a fun twitter exchange with a woman who sent a tweet: "feeling like a little miss cranky pants today..." so I keep responding to her tweets with exaggerated examples of what a "little Miss Cranky Pants" would …