One of my most famous kid songs... of course in the UK they call these things "Plasters" which I guess could still work... A bit of lightness and fun to start the week! Please click the arrow to play: Band-Aids (aka "The Band Aid Song") Song #244 | October 1995 | CD: New …
healing songs
365 You Have A Secret-Video
Here's a live performance version of "You Have A Secret" from a Letters To Daddy Production done a few years ago in Orange County NY. Yesterday I shared Rilee O'Neil's studio version. What moves me is that the song conveys it's message and emotion regardless of who is singing it. My deepest hope …
365 You Have A Secret
"Letters To Daddy" (Continued) Here's the resolution song for Caroline's interaction with "Billy the bully" from yesterday's post. While not excusing hurtful or aggressive behavior, when we take the time to look behind the mask of a "bully" we often find someone who is being bullied somewhere else …