Song for the musical, "BeautyFull" by award winning playwright Jill Jaysen. This is a rap by one of the group of kids known as the "Do-Gooders" who are raising money for the hungry with a hula hoop-a-thon. World premiere is June 12th, 2010! Westport CT, The Seabury Center. Check “Recent Posts” …
inspirational songs
Easter Song: Light Over Your Shoulder
Here's a song for Easter... Recorded live at Watering Pond Yoga Studio in the Spring of 2006 It's a song I wrote in 1997 at a moment of huge transition in my life. Please Leave a comment below! Members: Down load the entire "Live At Watering Pond" CD Lyrics: Light Over Your Shoulder | Song # 286 …
The Boats Are Burning On The Shore
From "Life In Song 2009 - If I could Fly" Commentary: A song that came out of a long period of entrepreneurial frustration, dead ends, obstacles, obstinate business partners, setbacks, cash flow challenges, creditors calling, etc. With the personal realization that on every great journey there are …