Get Your Backstage Pass! (it’s free for a limited time) and you get unlimited downloads of the entire Life in Song Project
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Get Your Backstage Pass! (it’s free for a limited time) and you get unlimited downloads of the entire Life in Song Project
Get The Full Story Behind “A Life In Song”
Get Your Backstage Pass! (it’s free for a limited time) and you get unlimited downloads of the entire Life in Song Project
In case you hate video here’s the scoop the old fashioned way (words)
Hi! My name is Mark Shepard and I’m a compulsive singer songwriter.
For the last 30 years I’ve been writing song after song. Songs that the few people who heard them raved about. For a lot of reasons I couldn’t bear to get them out into the world where you might have heard them. Stage fright, fear of criticism, shyness, lack of funds, all kinds of junk.
To hear the songs click here or the “songs” link on the menu bar above.
Then, something hugely significant happened in my life and I was able to rapidly blast past the shyness and self sabotage and make huge strides towards doing what I was born to do…
And no, I didn’t get “religion” and I’m not going to try to convert you to anything )
(I learned some powerful tools to run my own mind and emotions which you can check out if you’re interested). Visit ModernJedi.com to Learn About NLP Mind Mastery
As a result, I want to invite You to be among the first to hear my songs…I’m in the process of uploading my 30 years of out put, almost 400 songs at this point. I am posting one or two per week. They will be indexed by date so you can experience the chronological order and literally see a life unfold as you move through the catalog of songs…
You can also explore them by topic or category. In the mood for a love song? Type in “love song” in the little search thingy in the side bar and boom it will pull up all the love songs I’ve uploaded so far. Once you register as a member (free for the moment), you can then download them to your own computer or mp3 player. You have my total permission to burn them to CD’s and give them away to your friends. I’d appreciate any help you can give in spreading the music so more folks can hear it.
You can register to be a member for free Get Your Backstage Pass! (for a limited time) which will give you access to full download privileges.
You can also donate or contribute any financial support you care to, purchase my CD’s (I’m phasing out the whole CD thing soon) as well as stay up to date on my upcoming performances and special events.
I’d really appreciate your help in spreading the word about this project. Please click on any of the social bookmarking links at the bottom of each post so that as many people as possible can know about these songs that have gone so long unheard. )
click here to: Learn how you can sponsor an individual song or an entire album to get access to my growing worldwide audience.
– Mark Shepard, Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist/Percussionist/Storyteller/NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
p.s. Get Your Backstage Pass! (it’s free for a limited time) and you get unlimited downloads of the entire Life in Song Project
p.p.s. if you would consider contributing to the Life In Song Project it would be greatly appreciated as I am working on recording and sharing the over 400 songs I’ve written since 1976. And the entire cost of recording is close to $16,000. so every little bit helps and is much appreciated!
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