I have a friend who is valiant and noble in her efforts to change the world.
She struggles sometimes so mightily that my heart goes out to her. If I could I would make it easy for her.
Sometimes we see people we love struggling and we want to help. Sometimes it works out well, other times it seems to cause more problems. I once heard a story about a man who saw a butterfly struggling to break out of it’s chrysalis. He very tenderly and gingerly used a scalpel to cut away the clinging chrysalis to free it. He was oh so caring and loving and well meaning. But then the butterfly was crippled because the very struggle to break out of it’s “prison” was literally required to force the fluids into it’s wings so that it could properly expand them. No wings. No flight.
The helpful man, despite his good intentions literally harmed the butterfly. So “Yes!” we would like to make it easy for our children to succeed, but success is earned. All creatures struggle. Every squirrel must actively find food. Every organism must deal with change and challenges to it’s health and well being…
And finally many yearning spiritual people wonder how a loving God could allow suffering. But as the Course in Miracles suggests, “We do not know what is in our best interests” we can’t get up high enough to see that there IS a greater purpose and that through the struggle we become more than we were before.
I realized recently that I had to stop helping my friend. It was excruciatingly hard for me to do. And I probably did it badly. But ultimately we have to follow our deepest guidance and no one can help us do that. It is a struggle that grows us. I wish you all the best and I honor your valiant struggle. May you grow strong!
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I Would Make It Easy For You
Song # 475 | 7/2013 | From “Spark and Flame” CD
If I could, I would, make it easy for you,
If I could, I would Make it easy for you
If I could I would Make it easy for you
Some days you are just hanging by the thinnest of threads
Isn’t there something else you’d rather do instead?
Some days you find your self wondering at the tangle of things
And you struggle to keep your mind open to the lessons it brings
You are growing for your life at this moment in time
You are sowing the seeds for the deep and the divine
I can not do it for you and you can not do it for me
It’s just that we can not see the forest because of all these trees
Easy is a drug that takes away your strength
Easy is a myth that threatens your life’s length
Easy is a lie that makes us want to cry
“Unfair! Unfair! Life shouldn’t be this hard”
You don’t seem know this but you make it easy for me
to love you… I love you…
Copyright 2013 by Mark Shepard. All rights reserved. Used by Permission.
Questions? Comments? Please use the handy form below! Thanks! – Mark
Photo Credit: Copyright: CathyKeifer / 123RF Stock Photo