Hey Mark Shepard, Compulsive Singer/Songwriter here with Life In Song #534, "Out of Time" recorded live in the studio, back in February of 2023, In the midst of starting my own farm @healingpasturesfarm89 this got set on the back burner to marinate for a while. At this point in my life it is all …
Life In Song 2010's
Gone A Long Time (Live at Brick Chapel)
Here's another clip from my first Brick Chapel gig. Life In Song #495, "Gone A Long Time" which is all about the spiritual but not religious FACT, that we are here for just a brief moment in the vastness of eternity. we've been gone a long time and we WILL be gone for a long time. So we might as …
I Live In God (Song #434 Full Arrangement Music Video)
"I Live In God", Life In Song #433) was written for my friends at Unity Church In Albany NY, a Spiritual but not "religious" community who have dared to embrace this strange compulsion I have to turn EVERYTHING into songs... Like me they believe that something REALLY, REALLY BIG created us... and …