About This Song: (Lyrics below)I wrote this song with some very cute, creative 2nd graders as part of an “artist in residence” program at Booth Elementary school in Elmira NY. It has since become one of the mainstays of my DrumSongStory school, library and family entertainment programs.
I’m sharing it today because I just had my first ice cream cone in 6 months (which I’m pretty proud of since I have been ADDICTED to the stuff since I was a little kid. You can check out my weight loss program It’s Not Just About The Food if you want to learn how to master the foods that have been mastering you… LOL).
But the real reason I’m sharing it is because this daily song blog has FORCED me (in a good way) to look at ALL of my songs, not just the ones I personally like to listen to.
The beauty of songwriting is that it can be perfectly focused on specific audiences, themes, ideas, emotions that may be appropriate for specific times. Songs also help us to remember ideas, trigger memories or in some cases even silence the “inner dialogue” that many spiritual paths strive for.
I was a little wary of getting “Raffi-ized” or pigeon-holed as a “Kid performer” because I have so many other kinds of songs that I write and perform… But to be honest, having been away from kid performing for a while, I’m kind of missing it… :o)
Today though, just have fun and enjoy!
Porcupine Ice Cream
Song# 255 | Fall 1996 | CD: DrumSongStory Live!
I love every kind of ice cream in the whole wide world
EXCEPT for chocolate and vanilla
(unless of course it’s served with a dash of pickled “caterpilla”)
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Dog and cat ice cream
Except when it has to go to the vet!
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Jalapeno Pepper Ice cream
Especially when it makes my brain sweat!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Porcupine ice cream
It just looks so sharp in my bowl
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Worm ice cream
Especially when it’s slimy and cold
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Elmer’s Glue ice cream
I like the way it sticks to my ribs!
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Gerber’s Baby Food ice cream
Although I do suggest you wear a bib
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Cactus ice cream
Especially with a dash of ranch dressing
My favorite ice cream in the whole wide world is
Math test ice cream
It sure beats all that erasing and guessing!
Copyright 1996-2015 by Mark Shepard. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
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