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Body, Mind and Spirit
Song # 452 | 8/18/2012 | CD: The Fire Before The Flame
There’s a cat in the window of the apartment next door
Gazing out at a world he will never explore
He does not know he’s a prisoner there in his own home
Still like you and me he longs for something larger to roam…
Body Mind and Spirit
Open up your heart to hear it
Whisper “I love You”
Today I saw you prisoner behind your eyes…
How I long to touch and heal you deep inside
But I don’t know if you’re real or a movie in my mind
If we could truly see each other what beauty would we find?
When I was younger I felt like I was from outer space
I felt so alone and foreign in this rocky place…
But the times when I felt your sacred light shine warm on my skin
Oh it helped me to be grateful for the shape I’m in…
Some days I walk upon these broken paving stones
In spite of my self I manage to stumble my way Home
I come before you vulnerable and naked see my hands shake?
But it’s only darkness that our light breaks….
Copyright 2012 by Mark Shepard. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
PHoto – Copyright: srnicholl / 123RF Stock Photo