songs written in 2019
i didn’t write a ton of new songs this year because I was doing a LOT of recording. I did write a few tho.
567 Women in Bikinis
568 Flown Away/ I Just Want To Love You
I recorded more than I’d ever recorded ever so I’m good with that.
I’m also still working on a bunch of pieces that may or may not get a number. but they’re not done til theyre done. and sometimes that takes a while.
“This Too Shall Pass” is finally coming together… and it’s been around for a couple years. but I only had one verse. and that first verse set up something beautiful and I wanted to savor and take my time with the next verses. and tey started coming in… so now I have too many. so I have to snip a few out…
that’s the hardest part. but one trick is to just keep the verses that I find easy to remember. that means they stick in the mind better. my mind and anybody who listens.