Set List for The Last Concert of Mark Shepard and The Rogue Mystics, November 19th 2016 Get tickets here (if they are still available) As part of the transparent process of creating what I not so humbly believe will be one of the greatest musical events of the century, here is the set list that …
REJECTED by the Posi Awards
I just thought you'd like to hear in one place the 6 songs that I submitted to the Posi Awards this year that were not even NOMINATED. Not even nominated! Nuthin'. Nada. Zip. Didn't make it out of committee. Passed over for promotion. In other words REJECTED! You can draw your own …
Mark Shepard and The Rogue Mystics Last Concert
1969. November. A Saturday Evening. My family climbed into our station wagon and headed to a local school auditorium for a concert… Walter Cronkite was the voice of the news. And the news was filled with: The Viet Nam War The Apollo Moon walk program Civil Rights The ravages of DDT …