255 Porcupine Ice Cream by Mark Shepard About This Song: (Lyrics below)I wrote this song with some very cute, creative 2nd graders as part of an "artist in residence" program at Booth Elementary school in Elmira NY. It has since become one of the mainstays of my DrumSongStory school, library …
101 Rain On A Tin Roof
101 Rain On A Tin Roof by Mark Shepard About This Song: If I have any songs that are "hits" this has to be one of them. I lived in a Victorian house that had tin sheeting on top of the old shingles. My office was up in the attic. When it rained you knew it was raining. I'm kind of hoping we get …
365 You Have A Secret-Video
Here's a live performance version of "You Have A Secret" from a Letters To Daddy Production done a few years ago in Orange County NY. Yesterday I shared Rilee O'Neil's studio version. What moves me is that the song conveys it's message and emotion regardless of who is singing it. My deepest hope …