Find Your Edges and Lean Into Them I'm working on a new song. It's almost done. It just needs a little fine tuning and about 100 more "plays" to see what it ultimately wants to be. But it's ready enough to play for you. I actually played it Tuesday night. Here's the first live performance of …
inspirational songs
191 Moments Away
191 Moments Away by Mark Shepard About this song: (Lyrics Below) Here's a song that I've never, ever, released ANYWHERE until today. I wrote it back in 1993 at a time in my life when EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING looked like it was falling apart. Little did I know it was actually COMING …
69 Rise Away
069 Rise Away by Mark Shepard About This Song: (Lyrics Below) I don't know about you, but I'm a morning person. A lot of musicians are "night people." Not me. Morning. Sun rise. Dawn... I love the quietness and then the stirring of the birds and the transition from night to day... It …