Hey everybody. You can finally download my smash hit single, "Together We Can Change The World"... for FREE! Of course if you are deeply moved by the song you can always pay more (and it's appreciated :o). Please share this with as many people as you can. Thanks! - Mark Shepard To download …
inspirational songs
509 This Road You’re On
This "work in progress" is inspired by Albert Einstein's famous quote: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Since you're unconscious mind can't process negatives (check out HonestHypnosis.com ) it actually hears, "This road you're on go where It …
183 Stone of Many Colors
Still exploring songs from 1993... This is one of those songs that just "came in." I can't remember if I was walking on the beach and picking up pretty stones to put on my window sill or mantle or just imagining walking on the beach and picking up stones... BTW your unconscious mind does not know …