502 Fingertips by Mark Shepard About this song: (lyrics below) This is just a simple love song celebrating the wonders of a light, loving touch. presented here in "raw" acoustic "demo" format rather than "arranged" for "Public Consumption" format. My Finger Tips Song # 502 | 7/8/15 | Tuning …
Love Songs
188 Unconditional Love
While this song was a light hearted attempt at exploring the nature of "married love" and the stuff in our primary relationships that we have to "put up with" in order to get along... it's ultimately really about a much higher kind of love... with a few changes I could sing this song at Unity and …
183 Stone of Many Colors
Still exploring songs from 1993... This is one of those songs that just "came in." I can't remember if I was walking on the beach and picking up pretty stones to put on my window sill or mantle or just imagining walking on the beach and picking up stones... BTW your unconscious mind does not know …