059 Entropy by Mark Shepard About This Song: (scroll down for lyrics) Back in the 1980's there was a lot of fear and anxiety about the USSR and the USA and their massive nuclear arsenals aimed at each other.... things have changed. The wall came down. And you don't hear too much about …
Songs of Transformation
99 Edge of Time
99 Edge of Time by Mark ShepardAbout This Song: (lyrics below) To be honest with you I'm not quite sure what the hell this song is about! Freedom? Present moment awareness? Whatever. It sure feels good to sing it! :o) What do YOU think it's about? Edge of Time Song #99 | March 1988 | CD: …
93 Can You Hear Me?
093 Can You Hear Me? by Mark Shepard About This Song: (lyrics below) I guess you might say this song is about the "pre-apocalyptic dystopia" that is our "Modern Life"... Where we keep going along, business as usual, heads down in our own little lives while we grind the planet (and ourselves …