Find Your Edges and Lean Into Them I'm working on a new song. It's almost done. It just needs a little fine tuning and about 100 more "plays" to see what it ultimately wants to be. But it's ready enough to play for you. I actually played it Tuesday night. Here's the first live performance of …
Spiritual Songs
69 Rise Away
069 Rise Away by Mark Shepard About This Song: (Lyrics Below) I don't know about you, but I'm a morning person. A lot of musicians are "night people." Not me. Morning. Sun rise. Dawn... I love the quietness and then the stirring of the birds and the transition from night to day... It …
505 So Be It Amen (Full Arrangement)
505 So Be It Amen by Mark Shepard & Joe Mennonna About this song: (Lyrics below) This was inspired by the very first talk given at Unity church in Albany by Rev. Crystal Muldrow. Her enthusiasm, and presence of mind on the idea of "amen" or "so be it" was inspiring and enlightening... And when …