I got so inspired by the live video my son Andrew's video crew captured on November 19th at my big Concert with the Rogue Mystics that I had to start experimenting with a little bit more creative video stuff on my own. As part of the Life In Song Project it is my ongoing goal to get my butt into …
518 Rain (world premiere live video)
Find Your Edges and Lean Into Them I'm working on a new song. It's almost done. It just needs a little fine tuning and about 100 more "plays" to see what it ultimately wants to be. But it's ready enough to play for you. I actually played it Tuesday night. Here's the first live performance of …
509 This Road You’re On
This "work in progress" is inspired by Albert Einstein's famous quote: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Since you're unconscious mind can't process negatives (check out HonestHypnosis.com ) it actually hears, "This road you're on go where It …