Here's the somewhat rough draft version of this song. this is inspired by a number of Youtube videos of another Mark Shepard... Another Mark L. Shepard actually. We're about the same age but he's a farmer in Wisconsin who writes songs on the side. I'm a songwriter in New York who "farms" in my back …
Surrender To The Source (solo acoustic video) #482
Solo Acoustic recorded live... October 2015... Video: I eventually DID record this. It's on "The Key To Your Cage" CD. Check out the amazing arrangement by Joe Mennonna Back to Surrender To The Source Home Page Back to 2014 Song Index …
Look Around (Live Video) #491
I stumbled on this song yesterday when I was cleaning my office... There was a scrap of paper with the original ideas on it... I'd kind of forgotten I'd written it... Never logged it in to my "index"... and now I see a couple of different versions of it... got to love compulsive video …
Join In On The Chorus (first draft) #556
This is a first draft spontaneous Sound Healing Hypnosis session/song/thing plus a message from my heart about seeking a community of "introverts" in my local Albany NY area who would be willing to come out of their houses and experience my music in person either once a month or whatever makes …
Why I Keep Quitting
an important personal message for my Local Music Fans & Supporters Dear Friends, I keep attempting to create some kind of local gatherings where I can share my music in a healthy, healing, loving, ground way for the folks in Albany who have expressed their support and enjoyment of it over …
Mighty Wings (The Hummingbird Song) #399
399 Mighty Wings (2010) by Mark Shepard Mighty Wings Song #399 | 7/15/09-8/20/09 | CD: Purest Form of Trance D The hummingbird sings with his wings G The fuchsia… sings with her blossoming D And calls him home The fuchsia sets the table and he comes As much as he is able Of …