Play the song here. Download it free and share it with someone you love: [display_podcast] Happy Birthday Song | November, 2007 | Song # 373 Refrain: Happy Birthday we love you And may all your dreams come true As the sun burns off the dew May your world shine ever new Another year has come and …
a life in song
Street People
Photo from Bold Street Project [display_podcast] Street People | March 1978 | Song #15 Come into the silence of the crowded street There are some faces I'd like you to meet The ones that look like locked doors Concealing what's inside The ones who don't reveal to you The music of their …
Stand Tall
This song goes well with the post I wrote today over at about "Failure" [display_podcast] Stand Tall | Fall 2003, Winter 2004, Fall 2004 | Song #340 A rainy day and it’s not yours You had to face a few slammed doors So you sit and hang your head (wondering how to earn …