It's been quietly peculating in the background. I haven't mentioned it in a while but it's been there the whole time...quietly building. 2 years ago, Bill Rodman asked me to write a song for his 11 year old God Daughter Rilee O'Neill. 1 song turned into 12 songs. A CD was released Letters To …
Urgent Concert Announcment
Hey Everybody, I know it's a bit last minute but HAY! Spontaneity is the spice of life. Just got word that I'll be performing tomorrow, Saturday, January 24, 2009 at my favorite Starbucks in downtown New Haven, CT. It's the Starbucks on the corner of High St and Chapel across from the Yale Museum …
Clear the Fear Song
Need Some Courage? Watch The Video Below. [a note from July 22, 2016: I sent this video out to my email list this morning and here's what one of my readers emailed me: "Mark, this song and message really hit home for me today. You have put a grown man in tears. Thank You for what you do. …