I've been pacing back and forth this morning... I normally start my day with my song blog. But today I want to share something that is "behind the songs". I have been writing songs compulsively and obsessively since 1974. By 1976 they started to be acknowledged by the people who heard them as …
501 Last Laugh (Version 2)
Typically when I'm working on a new song I get most of it done at a certain point but then start with the "tweaking " process. Last night, my neighbors were having a little get together and the sound of adult and kid's voices and laughter was so sweetly bouncing through my open windows that I …
309 Be Patient With Your Drumming
309 Be Patient With Your Drumming (TFTS CD) by Mark Shepard About This Song (lyrics below) Sometimes I need to listen to my own songs. LOL. Over the course of my lifetime, "patience" has never been one of my strengths. However, I am learning to be more patient with myself and this crazy thing …