This is one of the songs I wrote for a musical that I did with amazing playwright Jill Jaysen called "BeautyFull".This song didn't make the final play but it was kind of what launched it for me... We had all done a huge amount of work on a Saturday afternoon to get the "Letters To Daddy" set from …
398 Caramel Macchiato
Ever stand online at a Starbucks and attempt to actually comprehend what people are ordering? This song got a Java jolt of inspiration when I heard someone order a "Grande Raspeberry Soy Dirty Extra Dry Chai" The day before I had had a brainstorm with gifted playwright Jill Jayson about doing …
403 Boats Are Burning
403 Boats Are Burning (LIS 2009) by Mark Shepard When Alexander The Great landed on the shores of Persia. He was vastly outnumbered by the Persian Army. He ordered his boats to be burned. legend has it that he said, "We either go home in Persian ships or we die!" It's a powerful metaphor still …