161Beautiful Person 2 (TFTS CD) by Mark Shepard About this Song: (lyrics below) This is the 2nd version I recorded of "Beautiful Person". The first one is from Visions & Voices CD. This version includes some slight shifts in language inspired by the field of Neuro …
Empowerment Songs
125 Kite (from Birds CD)
Digging around in my "music archives" on an old hard drive this morning I "re-discovered" an entire CD I'd made back around the "turn of the century". 1999-2000 or so... I had this great idea to do a school program about Birds. It would combine Drums, Songs and Stories personal and traditional …
499 Honest Rock (video demo)
This is a "new thought gospel song" that fits perfectly into the Unity, Centers For Spiritual Living, New Thought movement. Personally I prefer to call it , the "Spiritual but not Religious" Movement. There is no heavy "god tawk" so no matter what faith you profess you can relate. It is …