505 So Be It Amen by Mark Shepard & Joe Mennonna About this song: (Lyrics below) This was inspired by the very first talk given at Unity church in Albany by Rev. Crystal Muldrow. Her enthusiasm, and presence of mind on the idea of "amen" or "so be it" was inspiring and enlightening... And when …
healing songs
482 Surrender To The Source (Full Arrangement)
482 Surrender To The Source by Mark Shepard & Joe Mennonna About This Song: (Lyrics Below) This is a song about surrendering. Not in a military sense but in the sense of trusting that there is a reason and a purpose to this crazy thing called life even if we can't always see it or understand …
499 Honest Rock (Full Arrangement)
499 Honest Rock by Mark Shepard & Joe Mennonna About this Song: (Lyrics below) This is the full arrangement of Honest Rock that truly showcases the sheer GENIUS of my long time musical collaborators Joe Mennonna and Gene Moore. Joe Mennonna did the arrangement and played, oh maybe 2 DOZEN …