I've been pacing back and forth this morning... I normally start my day with my song blog. But today I want to share something that is "behind the songs". I have been writing songs compulsively and obsessively since 1974. By 1976 they started to be acknowledged by the people who heard them as …
501 Last Laugh (Version 2)
Typically when I'm working on a new song I get most of it done at a certain point but then start with the "tweaking " process. Last night, my neighbors were having a little get together and the sound of adult and kid's voices and laughter was so sweetly bouncing through my open windows that I …
309 Be Patient With Your Drumming
309 Be Patient With Your Drumming (TFTS CD) by Mark Shepard About This Song (lyrics below) Sometimes I need to listen to my own songs. LOL. Over the course of my lifetime, "patience" has never been one of my strengths. However, I am learning to be more patient with myself and this crazy thing …
Thoughts About Songwriting
You may have noticed that I haven't posted any new or old songs to my song blog in the past few days. I'm in California for a conference on Information Marketing where I'm hoping to learn more about how to get my music and other "knowledge sets" out into the world. One of my weaknesses as a …
12 Songs Through A Window (1982 version)
I recently re-recorded this as part of my ongoing "Life In Song Project" to preserve and share all the songs from my 35 plus years of compulsive songwriting and featured it here back in February... Today I wanted to share the original version from the 1982 LP, "Songs Through A Window" that I've …
361 Lucky
361 Lucky (Take 2) by Mark Shepard About This Song: (Lyrics Below) I shared Rilee O'Neil's version of this yesterday. Probably not the best way to do it, have you listen to the BIG production and then this very bare bones acoustic version. But hey, "Why DOES it work out better than I can …