In the late 1990's I was making my living primarily as a storyteller traveling around New England to elementary and middle schools. A PTA person from Rhode Island (The Ocean State) asked me if I had a program about the Sea. I knew she wanted some "sea shanty" crap that only "old fart folk …
408 It’s Another Opportunity To Grow
This is another song from the musical "Beautyfull". This is really a rough draft, about half the verses need to be let go! We ended up only using one verse in the play... It became a song that the main character sings softly to herself when everything is looking grim and like it's not going to have …
392 Melanie
Not quite sure what to make of this song... It might be a love song... Or a break up song... Or a character study of someone extremely interesting who's path crossed mine at a certain time in a way that "nudged" me in a direction that caused other events to unfold... Ever know anyone like …
352 Clear The Fear
This song reflects the work I do with anxiety sufferers. It is literally something I will assign them to listen to. As they hear it repeatedly enough to get it "stuck in their head" it begins to replace the anxiety thinking with empowered thinking. I have an entire online course that you may …
349 Can You Imagine?
349 Can You Imagine? by Mark Shepard About This Song: (Lyrics below) This is a song I wrote inspired by My friend Kim Kasperian "the Success Genie". Kim helps people to release their "inner genie" and accomplish great things with their lives.... When she was my coach it definitely made a …
384 Can’t Pretend To Love You
This is a sad one. Sometimes things just don't work out in love and it's no-one's "fault" or "failing". It seems to me that the pain in love usually comes from clinging to the idea that it "should" work out. What if we could love fiercely and let go at the same time? Thoughts? …